Tuesday, December 3, 2013

A Simple Gift

Here is a fun short poem I wrote a few days ago!

A Simple Gift
If you see a person with no smile
Why not give them yours
It can speak more clearly, much more freely
Than a few mere words

It can calm a storm, dry some tears
Or bring warmth to a dismal day
So stretch that grin, show those teeth
Let no grimace come your way

Saturday, October 19, 2013

You might be a preacher's kid if....

1. You can make a 5-course meal out of truck stop fare. 2. You are in church every time the doors were open, and every time the doors aren't open. 3. You lost 3+ loose teeth on the front row. 4. You have close friends in 12 different states. Any other suggestions to add to my list? Leave a comment please :-)

Wild Child.

Me and my friends were feeling quite rebellious after church at Ladies Conference. So, leaving the restaurant, we rolled down the windows and turned the opera music up all the way. *sigh* Pray for us, saints. Hehe :-)

Saturday, January 5, 2013


I have not posted in a long time; I now have other social networks (Instagram, Twitter). Wow. Time really does fly. I am going to TRY to update this thing at least once a month. Does anyone even read it anymore?